Written by Uche DISCLAIMER This post is purely informational. Please contact your closest health professional for qualified diet related advice. “Memory boosting foods for total brain health.” Cognition (which includes concentration, focus and memory) is part of your brain health. Boost your brain function and power with this list of super-foods. Brain Health Definition A good and healthy brain is one in which the human being can function optimally in every life situation, be it an emotional one, a cognitive one, a psychological one or a behavioural situation. Whether you go to work or you go to school or you do both, we all feel tired at some point during the day or week. Fatigue sets in and it is not just your body but your brain is screaming for a break too. Brain foods are known to be the same as foods that are good for the heart circulatory system. Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin B improve brain function. Also foods that have anti-oxidative power can ...
Uche Therapy
Uche is a health and fitness Nigerian blogger living in Zimbabwe who is also inspired by 'how-to's/ all things DIY. Follow me as I delightfully merge my love for the arts and health into one blog.