Written by Uche DISCLAIMER This post is purely informational. Please contact your closest health professional for qualified advice. Got acupuncture or got dry needling? Did you get two different treatments or did you get the same management under different names? Acupuncture Acupuncture is an age old (oriental) medical practice which uses ‘chi’ to heal the body. ‘Chi’ in simpler terms can also be called ‘energy flow’. When our body’s energy flow is blocked in certain areas, we feel pain or discomfort; therefore, acupuncture unblocks the flow and gives relief. This pain-free method can be used to treat the following apart from pain: § Headache § Nausea § Vomiting § Addiction § Chemical dependency § Menstrual cramps § Allergies § Labor pains § Depression Dry Needling (or Intramuscular Stimulation) On the other hand, dry needling uses muscle stimulation to release painful, knot...
Uche is a health and fitness Nigerian blogger living in Zimbabwe who is also inspired by 'how-to's/ all things DIY. Follow me as I delightfully merge my love for the arts and health into one blog.