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So you have written your final college exams. Congratulations! Whether it was a 3-year process or it took 4 years to complete (like mine) or it took a little more than that, it is okay. 

what to do after college

It’s over now! Please give yourself a nice pat on the back because the struggle was real but you have survived. So now what?

what to do after college

Well, you do have those series you have been waiting your whole college life to binge on and you do have some time to think about your whole life. Yea, I understand but really, now that college is basically out of the way, what’s the next move?

The next step is not just to get a job or to apply for graduate school but there is much more you can do. Seriously, there is a lot a new graduate can do with their time.

I have racked my brain and researched 12 things you can and should do after your last college exams. Please relax, take a mental note or a real one and read on.

what to do after college

Isn’t that just obvious? Some of my colleagues need a 101 lecture on that word. Your routine college life has ended. You don’t have to wake up at 5 a.m. anymore; neither do you have to sleep at 3 a.m. studying for tests after tests. Mentally and actively enjoy your slow paced life because it is only for a short while. Soon and hopefully at the time you are ready for it, you will be working 8 hours a week to make ends meet. You do not want to wish you took a little break.

what to do after college

A vacation is certainly called for at this stage in your life. Depending on your pocket and your favorites, you need to decide where you want to go, how long you will stay and what activities you want to do to relax body, mind and soul.

You can choose to take a staycation where you stay in the comfort of your home or home country and can involve trips to local attractions. You can go to the beach or a resort to unwind. If you have a thirst for something new, then consider an international vacation; go on a cruise or a road trip with someone special or alone. 

what to do after college

Back in high school, I used to be in the track team as well as the basketball team but I added a club to that list: Body and Soul fitness. At first I really wondered why our coach made us to this. Were we not getting enough fitness training from running the track or bouncing the ball?

After joining and participating, I realized that an adrenaline rush is not always the way, a relaxing stretching session for an hour is just what an athlete needs to relive tension. A college student, in my opinion, also needs to relieve tension especially after their last exams.

They are some activities you can do to loosen your body and mind to start healthy completely:

what to do after college

  • ·        Meditation
  • ·        Massage sessions
  • ·        Acupuncture
  • ·        Go for stroll
  • ·        Aroma-therapy
  • ·        Swimming  


If you need to write that out and stick it on your ceiling so you see it first thing you wake up, please go ahead. I’m not saying that if you want to do another college degree for whatever good reasons you have, that you should forget it. That is not what I mean. I mean, look at your goals and focus on where you are going. You shouldn’t regret the time you have already spent or the choices you made (whether good or bad), just learn from them and never go back. Mary Engelbreit put it nicely: “Don’t look back; you’re not going that way”. That quote has power and should motivate you to map and your future and follow through.

what to do after college

If you are feeling the pressure to grow up and stand on your own feet, know you are not alone. The pressure is as real as it gets and it is a good thing. It is time to take responsibilities into your own hands. 


Sorry guys. You will have to get your laptop, pen and papers out again. Hopefully you didn’t throw those out with your college books. A resume or curriculum vitae is a very important tool that represents you when job searching so it makes sense that you should want to represent yourself in the very best way. All your academics, job experiences and the skills you have gathered over the years must go into that resume.

what to do after college

If you have started anything, for example, a club, then don’t hesitate to mention it. Be proud and confident of your accomplishment so those wanting to hire can sense it and be attracted. Have you ever heard the saying: “Be confident. There is no one who is not attracted to confidence. Women dig it. Men love it. Confidence adds hair, drops 10 pounds, and takes off ten years.” I didn’t make it up though I wish I did. This awesome quote is by Larry Winget. A true quote and I am sure you, dear reader, are attracted, awed, inspired by confident human beings. You just want to surround yourself with them. Now tell me why they won’t hire a confident person and why you shouldn’t be that person.

Your resume should be ‘tailored’ to suit the company you are applying to. Don’t be lazy guys. The same way you feel when you wear a custom dress/suit, made especially for you, fitting you just right, is the same way you want your employers to feel. If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for it.  The best helper is obviously someone who is an employer but you can also ask the internet. Thank God for the internet.

Work on the resume; take your time but not too long because time is obviously of the essence.

what to do after college

        4. DRESS THE PART

This too is for motivation. You want to look the part. You are done with college; you are job searching because that’s what adults who want to be financially independent do. Barbara Corcoran said: “if you want to be noticed, dress the part.” Wisely said indeed!

If you want to be a successful businessman or woman, you should dress like you have already made the success because you will attract such. It is a philosophy called the Law of Attraction. This law basically says that the attitude of your thoughts can be translated into the experiences you face in life.  In other words, believe you are a success by dressing and behaving like you are a success and you will be a success.

what to do after college

This might mean a wardrobe change for some if not many but you have to go for what you truly believe in. 


Some of us have certain activities we like to do that give us enjoyment and also relax us. Now how cool would that be if your hobby could make you some money? This is only if you like the idea, if you do not care to monetize your hobby, it is perfectly okay and you can leave that tiny stress out of your way. I love to write, read, craft (I like to knit) and be in the kitchen while others love to game, draw, garden and even do photography. The internet is filled with people doing what they love and making money from it so nothing is stopping you.

what to do after college

The reason I advocate for a hobby that monetizes is simply because it is a great source for motivation. Getting paid for something you enjoy is really satisfying and can come in handy during the period while you wait for a job or as a side gig.

what to do after college


Volunteering is doing a job for free. In more positive vibes, volunteering is giving your time towards a task or enterprise and getting experience in return.

what to do after college

It, of course, makes better sense to volunteer in the area you wish to work in or where you want to form a career in but anywhere is just all right. You get to kill time and actively learn new things. You get to stay fresh in school knowledge and the best part is you are in sight of the employment scene. It is very possibly that your volunteering can turn you into a paid individual. Dedication and attitude is all it takes. Do not volunteer without a positive attitude in check because it will be sensed.

Did you know that volunteering can take you places? There are many organizations that can offer you paid travel and living expenses to other countries where you will be volunteering. That, to me, is a pretty good deal. 


You have grown up so it only makes sense that your social networks should reflect this growth. So one by one, go through all your social networks, remove and change those things that may not attract the right kind of eyes to them like some comments and posts you made in the past. Change your profile pictures and name (for some), add your accomplishments and boost your connections.

what to do after college

Your social networks can be important in boosting your job search when the time comes. Here are some things you can do to achieve that:

  • ·        Give your social platforms a fresh and professional look
  • ·        Stay connected on these platforms as often as you can
  • ·        Interact in discussions along the interests of your career
  • ·        Link with like minded professionals on social media
  • ·  Learn more soft skills (the skills that show people how you work like communication skills, interpersonal skills and listening skills).


As I have been saying, you are getting old. Your body has probably relaxed into the shape it is now and it will get increasingly difficult to make it budge if you do not get on a fitness train early.

what to do after college

Fitness is all about how healthy your body is and how much it can take. In your fitness regime, it has been suggested to get these four types of exercises in:

  • ·        Endurance/Aerobics – exercises that increase your breathing and heart rate
  • ·        Strength – exercises that make your muscles work harder than normal
  • ·       Balance – exercises that strengthen muscles which keep you upright like the legs and core.
  • ·        Flexibility – exercises that stretch your muscles like yoga and tai chi.

Why get fit anyway?

Did I mention you are getting old? Old age most likely comes with chronic conditions which fitness can stop or reduce the impact on your lifestyle.


I wish I could be a supporter of public transport everywhere but I know it comes down to how good the transport system in your area is.

Personally, I do not want to rely on my parents to drop me off at work and it has nothing to do with pride. Maybe a little but seriously, relying on anyone can sometimes be counterproductive for you. You could be late every other day to work and who do you blame?

Besides, getting a license comes with comfort and gives you the control.

what to do after college


 Seeing as you will become financially independent soon (faith speaking) or already are, you should learn how to spend your money well. Aside from spending, there are 2 others things I also want to recommend: saving and investing. Saving is putting money aside while investing is taking some of your money and making it grow.

what to do after college

Saved money can come in handy during the all too important ‘Rainy-days’ that we all can face. You should always have something you are putting money towards like your forever home or a yearly vacation.

Same goes for investing. Invest smartly into ideas that promise good return on your investment. Some things you can invest in are companies and realtor markets.

You can also do a course or 2 in money management. This helps you get real professional advice on how best you should handle your money.


Resume – check

License – check

Closet – check

Attitude – check

Now you are ready to enter the employment scene. I once heard that when you want something, you should just dive into it. Act first then think later sort of thing. I’m not sure I feel about that in every situation but in this situation I can understand. When you start to think about it, you may scare yourself into not doing it or putting it off for later.

Just pack up your resumes and getting going to those places you want to work in. Apply to a lot and do not give up!

what to do after college


If you want to put yourself forward in your career among similar professionals, it is good to consider going to graduate school. Graduate school can make you resume stand out more as well as giving you more opportunities in the employment sector.

what to do after college

It is up to you, if you decide that this is that part for you. It depends on what your goals are and how dedicated you are about them.





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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I am so happy that this was helpful to you.

  2. Really enjoyed reading this! Cant wait for the next post��

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  3. Well written. I enjoyed reading this


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